Ngā wāhanga o te ngahere Forest stages


Once you've planted your forest, it's important to take care of it. This will not only ensure the health of your trees and land, but can help with a successful return if you've planted to harvest.

You may need to get specialists to help with some of these activities.

If your forest is registered in the Emissions Trading Scheme, you'll have some extra management practices to consider.


You need to plan your harvest well in advance of starting. You also need to make sure the harvest method you're using is the most suitable for your forest. If you've planned correctly for your harvesting methods, the process will be smoother.

Before you start harvesting, make sure you understand your environmental obligations under the relevant legislation, the process, timeframes and methods.

You must ensure the health and safety of your contractors when harvesting and know your legal obligations as a landowner.


If you plant and harvest a forest for profit, there are 2 types of markets available to you – international and domestic. It's important to know what the difference is. Depending on what you have planted and how you have managed it will help determine what you should be selling your product for.

Make sure you know what the log market is before you think about selling. If you've harvested for domestic purposes, it's important to find out who is in the market in your region and talk to them, and locals, in your area.

You should consider getting advice from a registered professional before you market your wood.