Wood processing

MPI surveys wood processors from around New Zealand, both quarterly and annually, for their production and stock information. 

How this information is compiled

The information from MPI's surveys is then compiled with export data sourced from Statistics New Zealand. Combining these 2 data sets allows MPI to calculate an estimate for the roundwood removed from New Zealand forests.

Quick facts

For the year ended September 2019:

  • almost 37 million cubic metres of roundwood was removed
  • total sawn timber production was 4.4 million cubic metres
  • 62% of all roundwood produced was exported
  • total panel production was 1.8 million cubic metres
  • 1.4 million air-dry tonnes of wood pulp was produced.

Log and roundwood removal statistics

Annual roundwood removals are an indicator of export and domestic processing levels.

Sawn timber

Annual production and trade data for sawn timber including by species and region.


Annual production and trade data of veneer, plywood, particleboard and fibreboard.

Pulp, paper and paperboard

Annual production and trade data of pulp, paper and paperboard.

Quarterly production, stock and roundwood removals